Friday, June 19, 2009

well i am leaving for middle school camp on sunday and my co-leader is stefan and im very excited! we are goign to be an awesome team!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Short but informative...exactly me:)

So...i will be leaving for Washington D.C. in the early hours of Tuesday morning...i am absolutely ecstatic but very nervous...but if i do die at least i am happy with my life:) anyways i am taking pictures with my sister today for fathers day so i better get to bed so i wont look tired:) have a happy Sunday lovelies!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

frizzy hair

well i am currently looking for a job...hopefully something i can enjoy that doesnt involve greasy food or folding clothes messed up by a skanky life savings have gone down the drain in a matter of a year...being a girl is so ridiculous!!! i like the thunder but not while im in my dads huge house by myself really late at night:( food network will guide me through the night though...may is national barbecue month and it is grill week on food network! well i have a long day tomorrow involving 2 dr. appointments and a lot of work to do at church and maybe a little job hunting but not likely... cute kid!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

aimless beginnings

Are you kidding?! I have a blog! I find myself becoming more and more "old fashioned" these I am trying to embrace my youth and do all the things I am expected to do as a teenage college student...I wish my dear Jessica was not in Dallas so I would have some motivation to get out my paints and make a mess...I just can't be bothered to unpack anything this week...last week all I wanted to do is unpack but now faced with the challenge it seems less appealing...I need to let out all this creativity I have had stored up for so long! Ok I feel myself rambling pointlessly now so I will go! Hope I have more exciting things to talk about soon:)